
Android app developers now have an obligation to tell users how their app collects their personal data and what happens to it. Google has just started deploying its “Data Security” function, a new section integrated into the sheets of applications offered on the Play Store. It allows you to know what data is collected by the application and how it is used by the latter.

This section should start appearing in Play Store app listings today. Developers, who are required to comply, must imperatively provide all the information requested by Google by July 20, and will be required to update the details of the personal data collected as soon as a change has occurred. been operated in their application.

Restore user trust

With this system, Google forces developers to be transparent. Because in addition to displaying in detail the list of personal data they collect through their applications, they must put this practice into context by explaining in particular how its data is used. But this obligation of transparency should above all allow users to better choose the applications they use on a daily basis.

They will know if the developer collects data, for what purpose and if they share this data with third-party companies. They will also be able to find out whether the developer secures the circulation of this data, for example by using encryption, and may also request that their personal data be deleted.

In addition to the desire to restore user confidence, the deployment of this Data Security section in the Play Store allows Google to catch up in the field. The Mountain View firm is indeed not the first to introduce this system. In December 2020, Apple launched a similar function on the App Store to force developers to indicate whether their apps are tracking you or collecting your data.

Source : Google

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