Last month, Apple launched a number of “high-priced” new products at its spring conference. The Studio Display with its own A13 chip and the super-performance Mac Studio stunned netizens. Among them, there is also an accessory cable made for new products, which caused heated discussions because of the high price of 949 yuan, and even rushed to the hot search for a while. Recently, ChargerLAB also dismantled this “high-priced” cable, and analyzed in detail why this cable is so expensive. First of all, it can be seen from the cross-section that there are 19 dense coaxial cables inside this connecting line, of which 6 are tinned copper wires for power supply, and wires for data transmission, etc., many of which are plated Silver or copper plated. At the same time, there is a waterproof and dustproof braid on the outermost side of these wires, which can effectively enhance durability and protection. In the connector part, Apple uses a more durable durable brass shell and is equipped with 24-pin gold-plated pins for better connectivity. In addition to the material, the integrated area under the wire connector is also equipped with Intel chips and many other components to ensure superior connection performance. .
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