
There is no secret that Battlefield 2042 have not liked the fans of the Electronic Arts and DICE Disappearance Story: pese a que acaba de recibir una gran update op un parche 4.0 que incluye ms de 400 mejoras, la nueva entrega de Battlefield se ha visto envuelta en polmica since it was released in November of the past and since then, players have been missing from the 1000 simultaneous users on Steam, including previous entries from the franchise. Good part of the community also wanted to show its support for developments, even if it had to be demonstrated that the new game would be delayed.

One Vandal hemos querido repasar la breve pero turbulenta historia de Battlefield 2042 to reconcile the pieces of his phrase specifically pointing to a five keys that explain why he has not finished gustar a los jugadores ms acrrimos. If you want to know what happened to it Battlefield y por qu ha gustado tan poco, no te pierdas el vdeo available for continuation:

Our analysis of Battlefield 2042

If you want to know more about what we are looking for Battlefield 2042which is available on PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, Xbox One and PC, can be read nuestro anlisis, en el que decimos de l que “es un jugo cumplidor que va a resultar ameno para amantes de la saga pero que necesita ms tiempo para poder explotar todo su potencial que, a da de hoy, est lejos de su mejor nivel “. Si eres de esas personas que no ven tan mal ltima entrega la saga y ests jugando activamente a Battlefield 2042 (o teenes planeado hacerlo) te recomendamos tener a mano nuestra gua para no perderte entre todos los cambios which was realized with respect to previous games.

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