
In the 40+ years of Apple’s existence, there have been many strange, controversial and curious moments with the company that many will not even remember. We are pleased to remind…

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apple 1

Apple computer

The company’s first computer was not a “computer” in the usual sense of the word. For a “satanic” fee of $666.66, the user received a knee-riveted motherboard with a processor and memory – but that’s all.

apple computer 1

Even the case had to be made with one’s own hand, from suitable rubbish, and the keyboard and monitor had to beg from friends. It’s amazing how anything ever happened with such a start.

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Ronald Wayne

Ron Wayne

He once owned a 10% stake in Apple, much more than what is now at the disposal of the company’s largest shareholder, Carl Icahn, with his 1%. And even more than the Vanguard Group, Inc., which owns a 5.68% stake – the most significant shareholder of Apple. But Wayne is not a billionaire, but a victim of the cunning of Steve Jobs, who at one time did not encourage his friend, but allowed him to become disillusioned with the young company and then “friendly” bought out the share of the third co-founder for $800.

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Too great software

apple macintosh

In 1984, most developers refused to write programs for the Apple Macintosh for a curious reason – they felt that the pre-installed software from the company was too perfect. And it makes no sense to strain, trying to create an alternative to him. This is where new CEO John Scully’s leadership talent came in handy when he asked Bill Campbell, a veteran Apple veteran, to lead a fledgling company called Claris. Formally, she had nothing to do with the apple corporation, however, she received the entire software package for the Macintosh from that company free of charge.

The developers were told – you are afraid of Apple, so try to compete with these upstarts, who are a week away. And it worked, the volume of software compatible with the Mac platform began to grow. In 1998, the company was renamed FileMaker and it still operates under the tacit supervision of the Cupertinos.

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The firing of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

The story is legendary and absolutely true – in 1985, Steve Jobs was expelled from the company that he created by the decision of the board of directors. It is worth noting that they even deservedly kicked out, finally removing the most annoying factor from the team. A stunned Steve learned the most important lesson in life and the next project, NeXT, built it differently.

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The Apple Collection

Clothing from IT companies

Some critics believe that the apple brand got into the fashion industry in vain with the Apple Watch Edition product? They need a brief digression into history – in 1986, the company was already engaged in similar cases. And she tried to produce designer clothes under the slogan “inspiration from the computer.”

Do not confuse – there was a product painted with the letters “apple” for customers and a separate uniform for employees. It was also decorated with a rainbow logo in the fashion of the time. In such a retro jacket, for example, one could see rapper Drake during WWDC 2015.

Apple vs. Microsoft

Clothing from IT companies

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Creative attempts in the 90s

The harvest years of the 80s gave way to a decade of depression and the then management of Apple was desperately looking for new ideas. To sell this to the still loyal fans of the brand? Maybe a QuickTake digital camera?

Apple Quicktake Camera

Or a Bandai Atmark game console?

Apple Pippin Console

That’s when the Television Box was born, a very, very distant precursor to the Apple TV. Appeared and failed – one of the hotels in Disneyland hastily bought a batch of 1000 pieces, but the guests did not understand what to do with this thing in their rooms.


And the story with the prototype of the digital assistant for the “tablet” Newton Messagepad inspired the creators of the animated series “The Simpsons” to plot for the next series.

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the simpsons newton

The joke came out topical, well-aimed and rather offensive – since then, Apple has been more reverent about the accuracy of autocorrect when entering text.

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IT giant for next to nothing? No, don’t

Michael Spindler Apple

This is what Michael Spindler, who served as the head of Apple from 1993 to 1996, heard about. According to legend, he was fired for failing to sell the dwindling but still big and established Apple to IBM, Sun, or Philips. Although he offered a price much lower than the market price.

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Beat your own so that strangers are afraid – Jobs’ revenge

Gil Amelio and Steve Jobs

In 1996, Apple’s stock price fell to a 12-year low and almost everyone put an end to the company. The reason was the behavior of the former founding father, who demonstratively let down 1.5 million securities from his package. With a single transaction, as if getting rid of heavy rubbish. Of course, the market reacted appropriately and Apple’s prospects turned from sad to simply catastrophic. The only one who extended a helping hand in this situation was Steve Jobs himself – he graciously accepted the invitation to lead the sinking ship. Yes, it was a well-thought-out scam, carried out within the bounds of the law.

Steve Jobs

♥ BY TOPIC: How to make a brazier, aquariums, a bench, a lamp, a mailbox, motorcycle trunks, etc. from old Macs. (a photo).

Gates host

job gates

The first serious decision of Jobs, who regained control of the company, was the voluntary sale of it into financial slavery. And to whom – “the sworn friend” Bill Gates, who has not forgotten how Steve criticized him and Microsoft for “theft of intellectual property” a decade ago. The fans of the apple brand did not forget, who with bitterness and bewilderment watched the huge head of Gates during the interactive conference. Jobs talked about innovation and $150 million investment, and Billy smiled slyly – well, who’s in charge now?

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

By the way, although since then Apple has significantly overtaken Microsoft in a number of ways, the Redmond company is still quietly exploiting it, continuing to receive solid deductions from that old contract.

See also:


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