
On April 18, it was reported that VinFast, a leading electric vehicle company in Vietnam, has recently submitted IPO listing materials to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The company plans to raise about $2 billion if it goes public, one of the people said.It will also be the largest IPO ever by a Vietnamese company, and VinFast will be one of the few Vietnamese companies listed in the US.

As early as 2018, Vinfast released two models, a luxury sedan and a luxury SUV, and its first luxury SUV has also been mass-produced.

The styling design of the new car is designed by Pininfarina, and the appearance is highly recognizable and distinctive. The new car was founded, and there was no “tape measure department” at the beginning, which is really praised.

The new car is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, but the wheelbase of the body exceeds 3.1 meters, and the interior of the vehicle is relatively simple. However, the “chicken leg” gear handle of the same BMW model shows the origin of the car and BMW.

The new car is equipped with the same BMW 6.2L V8 engine, with a maximum power of 335kW, a zero-to-hundred acceleration of 6.8 seconds, and a top speed of more than 300km/h.

Vietnam's first car brand goes public in the United States!The country's richest man builds his first car for 1.3 million yuan

Not only the appearance is domineering, but the name of this car is also unique. It is directly called “President”. In line with its flagship positioning and name, the price of the car is as high as 4.6 billion VND, equivalent to more than 1.3 million yuan. The global sale is limited to 500 vehicles, and it is currently only available in Vietnam, but it will be sold in the U.S. market simultaneously in the future.

It is reported that Vinfast is the first self-owned car brand in Vietnam. It is funded and established by VinGroup, the largest real estate developer in Vietnam. Its largest shareholder is also the founder of Vinfast, “Pham Nhat Vuong”, the richest man in Vietnam.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: Vietnam car listing

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