
On February 28, Apple shipped the last batch of equipment to partners in Russia and managed to clear it through customs. On March 2, she officially announced the termination of sales of her devices on the Russian market, there will be no new deliveries. When to resume is not clear. In addition, the company introduced a number of restrictions on the operation of Apple Pay, and mobile applications of a number of Russian banks disappeared from the App Store catalog.

The Public Consumer Initiative organization decided to punish Apple for boycotting the Russian market. She filed a lawsuit against Apple Rus LLC (the Russian branch of Apple) with the Presnensky Court of Moscow demanding that its actions be recognized as unlawful in terms of stopping the import, sales and maintenance of Apple devices in Russia. As punishment, they ask to seize the company’s accounts and property, and force it to resume its work.

What caused the organization to start litigation? Its head refers to the numerous complaints of Russian consumers dissatisfied with the boycott of the Russian market by Apple. Interestingly, a number of experts believe that the “Public Consumer Initiative” has a chance to win the case and rate it quite highly. And the point here is not only in violation of the law, but in the desire for a demonstrative flogging of those who decided to join the sanctions.

A number of experts spoke in favor of the fact that there will be no seizure of property. The maximum that threatens Apple is to pay monetary compensation. Another thing is that if the outcome of the case is negative for Apple, the company may decide to really leave Russia.

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Source: iphone

Irina Kosheleva

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