Recently, news about the Zen4 Ryzen 7000 processor has come one after another, and a new revelation has surfaced. A test screenshot of an MSI MAG B650 motherboard has been exposed, showing that it is running an AMD engineering version of the processor. Do not confuse the B650 with the Intel B660. The latter is a mainstream chipset for the 12th-generation Core, while the former is a mainstream board used to light up the Ryzen 7000, using the AM5 interface (LGA1718). There is almost no doubt that this factory version of the processor must be the real body of the Ryzen 7000. It is worth noting that the operating voltage has reached 1.532V. It is not clear whether it is a bug or the tester is exploring the overclocking potential. Summarizing the current revelations, the Ryzen 7000 processor is based on the 5nm Zen4 architecture, and is expected to integrate a GPU unit for the first time, support DDR5 memory and PCIe 5.0, with a maximum of 16 cores and a power consumption of 170W. In terms of release time, AMD only said the second half of the year, but judging from recent rumors, the third quarter is a high probability time, and it can even be seen at the end of August at the earliest. .
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